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The Formula Metrics

How It works

One of the complexities of the values we use in the Visual Arts is that not all metrics are created equal.

In many mathematical or scientific formulae, it is common to have some values within a data set that are more influential to the result than others.

The Hansen Art pricing Data Set is no different. The values used represent some key elements:



The Hansen Art pricing Data Set is no different. The values used represent some key elements:

1. Innate talent
2. Artistry
3. Required Skill

Innate Talent: is not something that can be replicated or provided by anyone other than the artist, therefore it is highly weighted

Artistry: may develop over time and artists who show interesting interpretations of current trends or a unique approach to design are favoured, therefore they are weighted highly.

Required Skill: although important are attributes that all artists & designers are expected to have and can be applied by any designer to improve artworks eg: Changing the scale or customising a design to suit the client can be done after purchase of a ready image.

The calculator takes into consideration the importance of the following values in order:

Value DescriptionStatus
Brand ValueHistorical Success & Reputation of the ArtistInnate Talent
X FactorDegree of Influence, Noteworthiness & Indescribable qualityInnate Talent
AuthenticityHow well it represents the unique style of the artistInnate Talent
ConnectivityHow the design can carry a message, evoke an emotional response, or elevate the connection between the product and consumerInnate Talent
Method/ TechniqueUniqueness of the Method or Technique UsedArtistry
CompositionUniqueness of CompositionArtistry
ColourOriginality of Colour useArtistry
Theme and ConceptOn Trend or Noteworthy Concepts & ThemesArtistry
Complexity of DesignComplexity of Design Elements UsedArtistry
CustomisedWhether or not design was customised for the clientTechnical Skill
File PreparationFile prepared for immediate use (e.g.: The Colour referenced, and layered file provided in format required by client)Technical Skill
Art in ContextSuitability of the Art in Context of the Product it is being sourced forTechnical Skill

Want to know more? Join up at Nerida Hansens Creative Hub for courses and webinars associated with Art Industry Practice

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